CESA 5 Secondary Educator Summit featuring Dave Stuart Jr.

08/13/2025 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM CT


School Improvement Services


  • $260.00  -  SIS Member
  • $400.00  -  Non-Member


Glacier Canyon Lodge


Last day to register: Friday, August 1, 2025


CESA 5 Secondary Educator Summit
featuring Dave Stuart Jr. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2025
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Glacier Canyon Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells, WI


Dave Stuart Jr. has taught secondary English and social studies for nearly twenty years, most of which have been in Cedar Springs, MI, where he builds a life with his family. His blog, DaveStuartJr.com, is read by over 50,000 educators each month, and his bestselling books These 6 Things and The Will to Learn have been cherished by teachers and leaders around the world. As a practicing teacher himself, Dave seeks to create PD experiences that are meaningful, encouraging, and actionable, and he's led PD over a quarter of a thousand times, both overseas and in nearly every US state.

In this workshop, we'll grapple with a central principle of learning: in order to grow, students need to do work with care. Our main question, then, will be: how do we help students to care? Throughout the workshop, we'll explore how Five Key Beliefs underlie all care-driven student work and examine several practical, evidence-backed methods that teachers like us can use to cultivate care in the hearts of all of our students. Thankfully, it doesn't take fancy pedagogies or edutainment to do this; instead, there are simple, powerful moves that teachers can use in all kinds of content areas and grade levels.

Breakfast and check-in: 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Click flyer to view.

Registration Fee: 
$260 for CESA 5 School Improvement Services Members
$400 for Non-members
Due to the size of the event, we will not be able to accommodate dietary restrictions. 

District Membership List

Lodging Available:
 Rooms $209 per night for a double queen couch
Guests will call in for reservations by Sunday, July 13, 2025.
Call 1-800-867-9453 and state you are with Leader #A98290.
Rates are subject to applicable state and local taxes (currently 12.25%) in effect at the time of check-in and a taxable $29.95 nightly Resort fee or current prevailing fee if changed.

For questions regarding registration: Stephanie Helmann, helmanns@cesa5.org (608) 745-5472
For questions regarding workshop content: Maggie Trenda, trendam@cesa5.org (608) 745-5476