Infinite Campus - System Administration: End of Year Processing (Webinar)

06/18/2024 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM CT


Campus Academy


  • Free  -  Academy Member - Free
  • $50.00  -  NON-Academy


Room Number: Webinar


This training is demonstrated on the most current version of the Infinite Campus Product and will reference Wisconsin specific data or fields when applicable.

This course will introduce participants to the tools used to manage enrollments for a group of students, manage mandated reporting elements for enrollments, lockers, transportation data, school year elements for scheduling and grading, along with maintaining transcripts and period and day schedules for a group of students in order to close out the current school year. Participants will cover batch add enrollment end dates and statuses for currently enrolled students, create future enrollments for students without end dates on current enrollments, enter diploma date and type, end date or delete transportation records and end date locker assignments for groups of students. Participants will also cover how to run Transcript Post, define school day information for individual days and verify instructional school days for the next year's calendar are correct and set active year. Course Number: SY 5126.

This event is free for Campus Academy Districts and $50 for Non Academy Districts.  2023-24 Campus Academy District Membership List