Infinite Campus - FRAM: Verification (Webinar)

10/08/2024 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM CT


Campus Academy


  • Free  -  Academy Member - Free
  • $50.00  -  NON-Academy


Room Number: Webinar


This training is demonstrated on the most current version of the Infinite Campus Product and will reference Wisconsin specific data or fields when applicable.

This course will introduce participants to the FRAM Verification tool in Campus. This tool helps districts complete the required, yearly process of verifying a percentage of approved, free/reduced applications. Participants will learn the process of starting a new verification, reviewing and replacing applications, printing Pre-Notice Letters and verifying applications. Participants will also become skilled in completing the verification process and recognizing verification types and logic. * Verification is confirmation of eligibility for free and reduced-price meals under the NSLP and the School Breakfast Program (SBP). Verification must include confirmation of income eligibility or confirmation that the child is included in a household currently certified to receive SNAP, FDPIR or TANF benefits. Verification may also include confirmation of any other information required in the application. 

Course NUmber FR 2136. 

This event is free for Campus Academy Districts and $50 for Non Academy Districts.  2023-24 Campus Academy District Membership List