Infinite Campus - Ad Hoc Series 1: Filters, Letters and Data Viewer (Webinar)

05/10/2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CT


Campus Academy


  • Free  -  Academy Member - Free
  • $50.00  -  NON-Academy


Room Number: Webinar


This training is demonstrated on the most current version of the Infinite Campus Product and will reference Wisconsin specific data or fields when applicable.

This course will introduce participants to the Ad Hoc reporting tools used to create meaningful subsets of data. Participants will learn how to create a query of student or course data matching user-defined criteria, create a static list of students, modify a query created by another user, and use a data subset to generate a form letter from a template. Participants will also learn about the user-friendly report building tool called Data Viewer. This tool allows users to drag and drop Campus fields into a real-time view of the report as it is being built. 

Course Number: AD 1116. 

This event is free for Campus Academy Districts and $50 for Non Academy Districts.  2023-24 Campus Academy District Membership List